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Pelican Buddy Program Meet & Greet

  • Dr. Voják 221 Plzeňská Motol, Hlavní město Praha, 150 00 Czech Republic (map)

Calling all Freshers and their Buddies! 🗣🗣

First week of Med School ✅
We know you’ll have loads of questions, be feeling kind of overwhelmed or it might not even have sunk in that it’s started yet...

Whatever the case, we’d like to invite you to the first official PBP Meet & Greet! You’ll get to officially meet the rest of your buddy group and get to know each other (if you haven’t already) and ask all those questions about uni or life in Prague that you’ve been meaning to.

Date: Sunday 6th October 2019
Time: 6-8pm
Place: Dr. Voják

It’ll be a nice chill evening, with games, drinks and just bonding time with your buddy group!

For those who haven’t responded the emails of their buddies, please do so as soon as possible.

Looking forward to seeing you all there!

Earlier Event: October 2
AIMS Book Sale
Later Event: October 19
Undergraduate Medical Masterclass 2019