microwave at motol

We finally have access to a microwave at Nemocnice Motol!

Here’s how you can get access:

1. Head to the Motol gatehouse (when you enter through the main entrance, directly to your right is a security guard), the Dean's office or Ms. Hrušková’s office at the lecture halls SP (Don’t be scared to knock outside the office hours, you can also get the key between 11-13:30)

2. Sign in 1st column “Date,” 2nd “Kuchyňka,” 3rd “Your name,” to pick up the key at the gatehouse.

3. Go to the SP lecture halls - in front of the right entrance to the lecture halls you will find a door labelled “CSS-kuchyňka”

4. Enter and to your left you will find a shelf with the microwave on top

5. Happy Heating - do not forget to give the key back so all of us can enjoy a warm lunch!

6. You can also find a microwave in Plzeňská on the 2nd floor - no key needed!
